Welcome to my website!
I have created this website for sharing my expirences in programming microcontrollers. You find here many libraries for popular graphic LCDs controllers, programming tutorials for microcontrollers and some software for PC, that helps to develop and test sofware for microcontrollers.
All source codes and sofware for PC You can find on my website are free for non-commercial and education use. I don't give any support, warranty and take no responsibility of using informations from this wbesite in commercial environment.
Latest updated software :
Radzio! Modbus Master Simulator (last update : 28.10.2017)
Latest articles :
STM32F429I Discovery Board tutorial
Discovery board for new line of STM32F4 microcontrollers with SDRAM and TFT LCD controllers
STM32 FSMC bus to ALTERA Avalon bus wrapper
Connect Avalon bus peripherals (on FPGA) to STM32 microcontroller
STM32 value line programming tutorial
Tutorial based on STM32VLDISCOVERY board and Keil uVision IDE.
Driver for SSD1963 TFT LCD controller
Driver for TFT LCD controller from Solomon Systech - SSD1963
Modbus Master Simulator
Free software for emulation Modbus Master Device. Supports Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU protocols.
SPI bus sniffer/analyzer
SPI bus sniffer with 2x32kB data buffers and up to 4Mbit/s sampling rate.
I2C bus sniffer
Tool for sniffing transmissions via I2C/TWI bus. Connected to PC via USB.
1-wire sniffer
Tool for sniffing transmissions via 1-wire (onewire) bus. Connected do PC via USB.
Bitmap converter for graphic LCD
Simple program for PC to convert pictures to C data arrays. Support all picture sizes and LCD drivers.
Library for SPLC501C/SED1530 graphic LCD displays
Universal C code library for graphic LCD displays with SPLC501C or SED1530 controller IC.
Library for SED1520/NJU6450 graphic LCD displays
Universal C code library for graphic LCD displays with SED1502 or NJU6450 controller IC.
Library for SED1335/RA8835 graphic LCD displays
Universal C code library for graphic LCD displays with SED1335 or RA8835 controller IC.
Library for KS0108/HD61202 graphic LCD displays
Universal C code library for graphic LCD displays with KS0108 or HD61202 controller IC.
Library for S6B0724 graphic LCD and ARM microcontrollers
Library for AT91SAM7 and LPC2000 ARM microcontrollers for graphic LCD with S6B0724 controller IC.
Library for Toshiba T6963C graphic LCD
Library for T6963 LCD displays
AVR910 programmer
Atmel AVR MCU programmer compatible with AVR910 protocol.