HD44780 assembly driver
Assembly driver for HD44780 LCD works in 4-bit mode without read of status register. This code can be use with any AVR device.

I/O definitions
Before use this driver, You must defined connections between MCU and LCD. Example definitions are shown below:
.equ LCD_D4 = 0
.equ LCD_D5 = 1
.equ LCD_D6 = 2
.equ LCD_D7 = 3
.equ LCD_RS = 4
.equ LCD_EN = 6 |
Available routines
LCD_Init - initialization of LCD
LCD_WriteCommand - write to command register
LCD_WriteData - write to data register
LCD_WriteString - display string from program memory
LCD_SetAddressDD - sets address in Display Data RAM
LCD_SetAddressCG - sets address in Character Generator RAM
How to use HD44780 library
In file with entry code place include directive :
#include "hd44780.asm" ; AVR Assembler v.2 style
// or
.include "hd44780.asm" ; AVR Assembler v. 1 style |
Example of use LCD_SetAddressDD routine:
ldi r16, 4
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD ; Set address to fifth char in first row |
Example of use LCD_WriteString routine:
ldi ZL, LOW(ConstText << 1)
ldi ZH, HIGH(ConstText << 1)
rcall LCD_WriteString |
Download source code of HD44780.asm file : HD44780.zip