
Reading serial number of OneWire/iButton devices
After we learn how to compute CRC of transimtted data in iButton devices we can now read serial number stored in every iButton device. Reading serial number of iButton device is the first step to build digital door lock, or any other device in wich iButton devices are used as keys. We are use informations from other articles : HD44780, 1-wire, CRC computing.


Main part of source code (AVR assembly):

; Program entry point
ldi   r16, LOW(RAMEND)          ; Initialize stack pointer
out   SPL, r16                  ;

rcall LCD_Init                  ; Initialize LCD

ldi   r16, (HD44780_LINE0 + 1)  ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD          ; Set Display Data address to (0,1)

ldi   ZL, LOW(Text1 << 1)       ; Load string address to Z
ldi   ZH, HIGH(Text1<< 1)       ;
rcall LCD_WriteString           ; Display string

ldi   r16, (HD44780_LINE1 + 1)  ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD          ; Set Display Data address to (1,1)

ldi   ZL, LOW(Text2 << 1)       ;
ldi   ZH, HIGH(Text2<< 1)       ; Load string address to Z
rcall LCD_WriteString           ; Display string

rcall OWReset                   ; One wire reset
brts  MainLoop                  ; If device not present go to MainLoop

ldi   r16, 0x33                 ; Write ReadRom command
rcall OWWriteByte               ;

rcall CRC8Init                  ; Initialize CRC8 value

rcall OWReadByte                ; Read first byte (Family ID)
cpi   r16,0                     ; If first byte equal to zero, go to MainLoop
breq  MainLoop                  ; (short circuit on one wire bus)

rcall CRC8Update                ; Update the CRC

ldi   YL, LOW(SerialNumber)     ;
ldi   YH, HIGH(SerialNumber)    ; Load to Y address of SerialNumber table

st    Y+, r16                   ; Store first byte to table, and increment pointer

ldi   r17, 7                    ; 7 bytes remaining
rcall OWReadByte                ; read next byte
rcall CRC8Update                ; update the CRC
st    Y+, r16                   ; store next byte to table, and increment pointer
dec   r17                       ; decrement loop counter
brne  StoreLoop                 ; if greater than zero, jump to StoreLoop

rcall GetCRC8                   ; Read computed CRC8
cpi   r16,0                     ; copmare it with zero
brne  MainLoop                  ; if not equal, jump to MainLoop (bad CRC)
                                ; else
ldi   r16, (HD44780_LINE1 + 0)  ;
rcall LCD_SetAddressDD          ; Set DisplayData address to (0,1)

ldi   YL, LOW(SerialNumber)     ;
ldi   YH, HIGH(SerialNumber)    ; Load to Y address of SerialNumber table
ldi   r17,8                     ; 8 digits to display
ld    r16, Y+                   ; load to r16 byte from table
rcall LCD_WriteHex8             ; display it on LCD in HEX
dec   r17                       ; decrement loop conouter
brne  LoadLoop                  ; if not zero, jump to LoadLoop
rjmp  MainLoop                  ; jump to MainLoop
; End of file

Complete source code can be downloaded from here : ibutton-number-read.zip


(c) Radosław Kwiecień