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LCD Assistant To convert image from bitmap file (or other standard graphics file format) to data array select from File menu command 'Load image'. Next, select byte orientation (for example : vertical for KS0108, SED1520, SPLC0501C etc; horizontal for : T6963C, SED1335 etc). If in data array must be image size (width and height) select 'Include size' checkbox and specify endianness of size (for example: Little endian for AVR; Big endian for ST7). Size are placed in two 16-bit variables at the begin of data array. Next, specify pixels/byte parameter. If display can support miscellaneous font size (displays with T6963C controller) image can be converted to array of bytes with specified amount of pixels in each byte. At last select from "File" menu command "Save output". Data array will be saved in specified file. Next, just include this file into project and use array name as parameter for function that displays bitmap on LCD. If you have trouble with use generating file, or program will generate wrong files please let me know.
Download : LCD Assistant.zip
(c) Radosław Kwiecień |