Samsung KS0108/KS0107 (Hitachi HD61202/HD61203) are one of most popular LCD controller ICs. Usually they are using in LCD displays with resolutions 128x64 or 192x64 pixels. This library is an universal C-language driver library for KS0108-based displays. Is written in C and can be ported for any platform and ANSI C compiler.
Currently supported and tested platforms :
- Atmel AVR and avr-gcc compiler (WinAVR)
- Atmel AT91SAM7S ARM core MCU and arm-elf-gcc (WinARM)
- NXP LPC2000 ARM core MCU and arm-elf-gcc (WinARM)
- MCS51/8051 and compatible MCU
- STMicroelectronics STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 MCU and RKitARM
- Microchip PIC16 MCU and PICC Lite (Hi-Tech)
- STMicroelectronics ST7 MCU and RKitSTM8
Simple porting for any other MCU with C-language compiler.
Library structure
Library contains following files :
KS0108.c - main library file (use always)
KS0108.h - header file for KS0108.c (use always)
KS0108-AVR.c - low-level driver for Atmel AVR MCU (use only with AVR MCU)
KS0108-LPC.c - low-level driver for NXP LPC2000 ARM-core MCU (use only with LPC2000 MCU)
KS0108-AT91.c - low-level driver for Atmel AT91SAM7S ARM-core MCU (use only with AT91 MCU)
KS0108-8051.c - low-level driver for 80C51 compatible MCU (use only with 8051)
KS0108-STM32.c - low-level driver for STMicroelectronics STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 MCU (use only with STM32 MCU)
KS0108-ST7.c - low-level driver for STMicroeletronics ST7 MCU (use only with ST7 MCU)
KS0108-PIC16.c - low-level driver for Microchip PIC16 MCU (use only with PIC16 MCU)
graphic.c - file with graphic routines (drawing lines, circles, rectangles, etc) (use only if You want)
graphic.h - header file for graphic.h file (use only if You want)
font5x8.h - fonts definitions
How to use library?
Add to Your project all platform-independent files and one of low-level drivers specify for Your platform (e.q. KS0108-AVR.c) and build project.
Example screens:

For converting bitmaps to format required by GLCD_Bitmap function You can use my : Bitmap converter
KS0108 library
Example for STM32 MCU